Sick of putting your dreams on hold?

...And ready to be a winner and create a life you LOVE?

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Isn’t it time to stop being dominated by what other people think?

To live YOUR life? To follow your dreams and build a life you LOVE?

Truly joyful, happy people are those who build lives they love. They strive to be winners in life, love, family, and career. They know that when they pursue their DREAMS, they are on the path to happiness.

They are FREE to pursue their passions. Free to live a life that matters. Free to build something they love. Free to be a WINNER.

And yet so often, we feel driven and ruled by what OTHER people want. We want to pursue our dreams…

...But we’re afraid.

...We’ve been told it can’t be done.

...We don’t know where to start.

Do you expect to win?

“You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.”

Zig Ziglar

Do you believe that you can build a life you LOVE?

Do you have faith that you are going to make your dreams come TRUE? you know HOW to make those dreams come true?

Ask yourself...

  • Am I currently happy with my life?

  • Am I pursuing my dreams?

  • Do I feel like a winner?

  • Would my life be better if I were building something that I love?

From the time we’re young, we’re told what we can and can’t do.

We’re told what to believe:

“It’s too hard to do that. .”

“Only a few people manage to achieve that.”

“You’ve never done that before.”

“Wealth is only possible for the select few.”

“You can’t be the next Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg…”

It’s like living in a cage. We desperately want to break out.

To be free. To put our fears aside and go all-out for our dreams.

To discover our passions and then follow them wholeheartedly.

To stop living someone else’s life and start living OUR lives.

But we don’t know how.

We feel stuck. Caged. Imprisoned by the naysayers and fears and obstacles.

But what if there were a solution?

A way to overcome obstacles, conquer fear, and be a WINNER?

Now there is...


Inspiration From Winners To Build A Life You’ll Love

The step-by-step process for conquering fear, nixing the naysayers, overcoming obstacles, and making your dreams come TRUE!

This powerful course contains 18 lessons that lead you on a step-by-step journey to truly living the winning life. A journey of finding your dreams, overcoming your fears, and building the life you love.

A journey to TRUE greatness.

In this life-changing course, you’ll learn:

  • The SUCCESS principles used by the most successful people in the world - people like Steve Jobs, Oprah, Pablo Picasso, and Anne Campbell.

  • How to be OPEN to your dream.

  • How to CHOOSE your dream.

  • How to take specific ACTION on your dreams.

  • Techniques for NIXING all the naysayers who tell you it can’t be done.

  • Powerful strategies for embracing and then OVERCOMING your failures.

  • The secrets to finding ELITE mentors.

  • How to SILENCE the fears that hold you back from building a life you love.

  • How to RECOGNIZE opportunity when it comes your way.

  • And so much more!

This powerful journey could

absolutely change your life.

In 20 years, you could look back on THIS as the time when you finally achieved your dreams and built a WINNING life you love.

When you were set free.

When you stopped listening to the fears and naysayers and became the person you were DESTINED to be.

This is your moment.

Your fork in the road.

Your door to freedom.

They key to the cage has been given to you. You can either open the cage or throw it away.

It’s your choice. Will you be a WINNER or continue living as you have been?

You could try to learn all this on your own, but it would require hours upon hours of reading and research.

You wouldn’t have the guidance of an expert.

And you wouldn’t really know if you were making progress.

Or you could be taken by the hand and guided on this life changing journey.

Which will it be?

There are 2 modules with 18 total lessons.

The lessons are:

Lesson #1 - Gaining Inspiration and Soaring to New Heights

You’ll prepare to take the first steps on your journey toward a winning life. You’ll learn some specific techniques that will enable you to make progress FAST and to truly accomplish what you want. And, be inspired for all the amazing things that are about to happen in your life.

Lesson #2 - Jack Kerouac - We All Dream So Be Open To Yours

Now that you’re prepared for your journey toward greatness, you’ll learn from Jack Kerouac how to be open to your dreams. You’ll also discover how to identify your deepest passions and the dreams that are part of a life you love.

Lesson #3 - Anne Campbell - Choose Your Dream

Once you’ve identified your passions and desires, it’s time to put flesh and bones on your dream. It’s time to make a decision about who you want to be and what you want to do. And it’s time to begin arranging your life around your dream. Dreams don’t randomly come true. You need to take specific actions, and here’s where you start.

Lesson #4 - Douglas Adams - Nix the Naysayers

Few things hold you back from being a winner more than the naysayers. They tell you that your dreams are impossible. That you can’t succeed. That your dream is too big. If you’re going to succeed, you absolutely must tune out the naysayers. Douglas Adams provides outstanding guidance in this area.

Lesson #5 - Walt Disney - Leave Fear Behind

After you nix your naysayers you need to conquer your fears. If you strive to be a winner, you will inevitably come face to face with your fears. They will try to stall you and hold you back. But you can overcome these fears if you know the right strategies.

Lesson #6 - Christopher Reeve - Make Your Dream Inevitable

How can you make your dream inevitable? How can you be sure that it happens? This is possible. Your dream doesn’t need to be a big maybe. By following a proven set of steps, you can make your dream a sure thing.

Lesson #7 - Module 1 Summary and Reflection

Information without reflection doesn’t produce change. In order to turn be a winner, you need to take time to meditate and reflect upon what you’ve learned. You need to apply it directly to your life.

Lesson #8 - David Frost - Discover Your Passion

Your dream will always be tied to what you love doing. You can’t build a life you love doing something you hate. Discovering your passions leads to finding your dreams. In this module, you’ll walk through specific questions to help you pinpoint your passions and then identify your dreams.

Lesson #9 - Steve Jobs - Have Faith

Inevitably, you will encounter obstacles and challenges as you pursue your dream. In those moments, you need to have faith that your dream will become a reality. You need to believe in yourself and that you ARE a winner. Obstacles, fears, and naysayers can’t stop you as long as you have faith in yourself and your dream.

Lesson #10 - Oprah Winfrey- Take Responsibility

Building a life you love won’t happen accidentally. You won’t stumble into being a winner. You need to take responsibility. You are responsible for making your dream come true. You have the power to make it happen, but you have to acknowledge that you play the key role in turning yourself into a winner.

Lesson #11 - Thomas Jefferson - Think Positive

If you want to be a winner and achieve a life you love, you absolutely can’t be a negative thinker. Positive thinking is what will propel you forward to fulfilling your dreams. It’s what will keep you going when you’re feeling burned out. It’s what will help you push through your obstacles.

Lesson #12 - Pablo Picasso - Take Action

The only way to turn yourself into a winner is to take action. A life you love only comes from taking immediate action and moving toward your goal. People who don’t take action never make progress. In this module, you’ll learn the secrets of taking powerful actions that always move you forward.

Lesson #13 - Dale Carnegie - Embrace Your Failures

When you pursue a life you love, you will fail. It’s inevitable. But failure shouldn't’ stop you. In fact, you should embrace your failures. When you embrace your failures, you are able to learn from them and avoid making the same mistakes again. Embracing failures as part of the journey also helps you get up and keep going when you fall.

Lesson #14 - Ayn Rand - Recognize Opportunity

When you begin moving toward winning, opportunities will begin to fall into your lap. Things will align in ways you never thought possible. But you need to be able to recognize and take advantage of those opportunities. When you see these opportunities, you can turn them into advantages.

Lesson #15 - Warren Buffett - Find Mentors Whom You Can Emulate

Few things are more important to success than finding mentors. Mentors have already traveled the path you’re on and can give you guidance you can’t find anywhere else. However, to find a mentor, you need to know where to look. In this module, you’ll discover how to surround yourself with the kind of people who will help you build a life you’re passionate about.

Lesson #16 - Michael Jordan - Confront and Resolve Obstacles

Everyone who strives to be a winner will confront obstacles. You will encounter things that try to keep you from achieving all that you want. But these obstacles don’t have to derail you. With the right strategies, you can confront your obstacles and overcome them with ease.

Lesson #17 - Zig Ziglar - Enjoy the Journey

If your journey to success is always miserable and stressful, you’ll be sorely tempted to give up. Only when you learn how to enjoy your journey toward winning will you ensure your success. In this module, you’ll learn from Zig Ziglar about specific ways to enjoy your journey toward becoming a winner.

Lesson #18 - Module 2 Summary and Reflection

Again, it’s essential to reflect upon your journey. In this module, you’ll look back on all you’ve learned and formulate a plan for turning your dream into a reality.

Normally, live in-person workshops cost $500 to $1,000 for a 3-day workshop.

And my digital courses like this cost over $299.

But today, you’re going to get access to this entire life-changing program for ONLY $99.

And you’ll get the entire Inspiration From Winners To Build A Life You Love system:

  • 18 lessons to lead you on the journey of winning ($299 value)

  • Additional resources, reflections, and affirmations to help you apply and implement what you’ve learned ($99 value).

  • Module quizzes to empower you to remember the key points ($99 value)

  • A thorough understanding of what you need to do to achieve your dreams (PRICELESS)

  • Priority email support

Finally, you’re going to...

  • Build a WINNING life that you absolutely love

  • PURSUE that dream you’ve been thinking about so long

  • FINALLY stop letting other people tell you that your dream is impossible

  • Learn to CONFRONT your fears and push past them

  • STOP putting things off and START making forward progress today

Isn’t it time to embrace the life you deserve?

To become the winner you know you are?

The choice is yours.

Regular: $299

Today Only: $99

Questions? Click Here

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About Your Coach

Matt Episcopo knows that the real way to become effective is to build credibility, trust and relationships.


His efforts have helped leaders and companies around the world improve their leadership and relationships. Matt is widely recognized as an energizing and engaging coach. He is a featured TEDx speaker and the author of the book "How To Gain The Upper Hand, P.O.W.E.R. Tactics That Get Leaders Results".


A Medal of Honor recipient with more than 21 years of law enforcement experience, Matt will teach you how to lead to your highest potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there requirements or prerequisites for this course?

There are no prerequisites for this course. It’s open to anyone who wants to increase their satisfaction in life by learning to be a winner.

Your success in this course depends on your willingness to take action. Take the time to do the suggested self-reflections and exercises.

What benefits will I receive from this course?

  • You’ll find out how to be a true winner in all areas of life.

  • You’ll discover a lot about yourself and why you are the way you are.

  • You’ll learn how to embrace your dreams and go all out after them.

  • You’ll understand that you don’t need to listen to the negative thoughts in your head.

  • You’ll stop listening to the critics and naysayers.

  • You’ll develop the courage to confront the obstacles that previously held you back.

  • You’ll discover how to move past the fears that haunt you.

  • You’ll see how you can structure your life around what matters most to you.

By striving to create a highly successful version of your brain, you can build a life you love, reduce stress, strengthen your relationships, build a more satisfying career, and increase your happiness and fulfillment in life.

Is there a particular audience that this course is geared toward?

Those who want to pursue their dreams, conquer their fears, and build a life they truly love. Those who are tired of being held back and want to do what they love.

Remember, for only $99 you’re getting…

  • 18 lessons to lead you on the journey to winning ($299 value)

  • Additional resources, reflections, and affirmations to help you apply and implement what you’ve learned ($99 value)

  • Module quizzes to empower you to remember the key points ($99 value)

  • A thorough understanding of what you need to do to create a mind that naturally attracts success (PRICELESS)

  • Priority email support

Will this actually work?

Yes, it absolutely will.

30 Day Action Takers Guarantee

In fact, I’m willing to GUARANTEE it. If you take action on the materials and don’t find yourself living a more passionate, winning life, I’ll refund your money.

This 30-day action-takers guarantee ENSURES that all the risk is on me. If these materials don’t empower you to move forward on your dreams, I’ll refund your money.

It’s ALL reward, NO risk.

Your successful, winning life is waiting for you.

You can finally build the life you love.

You can make YOUR dreams a reality.

Regular: $299

Today Only: $99

Questions? Click Here

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In your corner,

Matt Episcopo

President, CEO

MattEpiscopo Enterprises Inc.

P.S. If you have any question, please ask. I'm happy to help. You can get in touch with me HERE